Our Story

How The Success Journal

& Mentor's Guide Were Created:


The Beginning

1,2 3 Your Map to Success program started like many innovative ideas at VITC (Visual Innovation Tool Company). It was the culmination of a set of unique circumstances that lead to a dynamic, synergistic, targeted committed model of personal success. Because VITC’s mission is to provide tools to enhance one’s ability to generate ideas leading to solid business proposals, this was an organic outcome. VITC realized entrepreneurs needed a way to express their personal commitment to their innovations and ideas. They needed a visual map. ✓ 

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That Spark of Inspiration

This process began when a VITC team member volunteered at a local youth football camp and heard several elite coaches speak to hundreds of student athletes about their dreams and what it’s like to reach the next level. One coach stood out by identifying three principles that would lead them to success. Surprisingly, none of the principles had to do with athletics! The essence of his message was ‘You must develop strong Character Building, Passion, and study habits leading to Academic Excellence will lead you to achieve your goals and dreams in life’. ✓ ✓ 


First Test Case

This experience then challenged the VITC team member to help his young grandson become more focused on his dream to one day play in the NBA. He then applied the same principles he heard the coach share. His grandson began to have small successes by listening and following the principles. Over time, the grandson improved his game on and off the field. He became an exemplary student and a stronger more focused athlete. The importance and influence of a mentor was also recognized as a critical factor. ✓ 


Public Education Challenges

A second VITC team member, became intently aware how the children in school systems laden with emergency managers were impacted. Witnessing school closings, districts downsizing, and limited resources had serious adverse repercussions on students and the community at large. Given these circumstances, the questions became, could all students gain from these same three principles, not just student athletes? Could students, no matter their situation, identify their dreams, and build a plan to achieve them? ✓ 


Success Mapping 

The idea of creating a visual map based upon a student’s dream, the three principles of Character Building, Passion, an Academic Excellence, and weekly monitoring became the skeleton of 1,2,3 Your Map to Success Journal and Mentor’s Guide. 

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In addition, to determine if the success of VITC’s team member grandson would translate on a larger scale, two studies were conducted that encompassed roughly 100 students of middle school and high school ages. They include:


  1. The middle school girls focused on developing their dreams. They were able to enhance their summer field trip experiences by considering alternative roles and career options.  The girls were able to visualize themselves in various careers and further explored what preparations were required.  
  2. The male high school student athletes focused on a common dream and tracked their progress weekly in preparation through their fall football season. This study was more comprehensive. The students set weekly targets, and tracked their progress. They adjusted for other dynamic challenges and influences. They were also accountable to each other. With the assistance of their coaches acting as mentors, the journal is became a tool these students began to use to help navigate the larger game of life.